08 January, 2014

So that was Christmas - welcome to 2014

Last weight recording was 89.6 on the 18th
Yesterday (7th Jan) 92.3kg  so nearly 2.5kgs added over the break - not bad for all that drinking and bad food choices!!

This morning 91.1kg  - clean eating and back into exercise is working

Started the prep work for The Open on Monday
Monday 6.00am class plus early afternoon weight session(Calstrength) program
Tuesday 12.15 class "Sweat Buster"  33min - lots of DU's awesome
Today(Wednesday) 6.00am class so far - think I will rest for the balance of this day, a my body still in shock from the Xmas/NY break.  Will do todays strength program tomorrow, and then Fridays program on Saturday (at this stage)

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