15 January, 2014

Diet is the biggest challenge

My workout effectiveness is getting better

My "engine" is stronger - doing a 15min WOD I can keep the energy throughout and have enough to push harder in final minutes

BUT - I need to be a little lighter for those body-weight exercises

Weight this morning 91.8kg  - must get it down to below 88 before the Feb comps...
My body shape feels good, but...

I have done 6.00am class for last three days
Monday - DeadLifts - did a PR 165kg  (15min WOD)
Tuesday - 35min cut Barbara - managed 4 rounds - would have needed another 3 min to finish this
Wednesday - Back Squat 3 rep sets plus ME  110kg 7 reps  and 15min WOD 5 C&Js + 10 TTB (6 rounds)

All good stuff

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