18 June, 2012

...a purpose?

I started this blog with the intention of gathering some like minded folk
Who?  oh yeah - folk who like to get up[ early and fling themselves around a gym.  And I mean flinging themselves around based on what someone ese says - early bird boot camp style of thing.  Circuit training etc

Well that was a couple of years ago, and now I've finally got something to say.

I joined a CrossFit Gym CrossFit Canterbury.  Just started my second week, I'm sore but loving it.

So I will use this blog to write about the class I just did (or was done in by) as each class is different (love that)

Todays:  AQAP (As Quick As Possible) 18 mins
15 rounds of:
5 Pull ups (Kipping)
10 Push Ups (Breaking Push ups)
15 Squats

Well at the 18min mark I had got to 14... so I qualify as a DNF 14
Knacked !!  Do the maths  14 x 10 Pushups - They were the hardest part so I did 140 !!
Kipping Pull Ups are a pull up with a swing technique that make it easier.  I'm not strong enough to do these unassisted - I use a heavy rubber band under my foot that helps (a lot!!)

Anyway - I hope to track my progress through this blog, till eventually I'm doing all the routines at "Rx" (thats the prescription) instead of some lower level...


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