28 June, 2012

Fun today....

Cool Crossfit class today.

We did the outside warm up which was OK - a bit cold to start with, but finished nicely warm

Then there was an exercise of seeing how high you could box jump.  The men usually do a 24inch box jump and this was some fun on seeing how much further you could go.
We did a bunch of practice jumps then started adding weight plates to the 24inch box.  I got up to 2 20kg plates on top before I caught one on the toe.  One of the other guys got two 20inch boxes on top of one another plus a 20 kg plate - roughly 43inches!!  pretty good from a stand still

WOD 12 min AQAP
3 rounds of
10 x OHS (Over Head Squat) I did it with 30kg
10 Burpee Pull Ups ( do a burpee on the ground and then straight into a Pullup !!)

Managed it in 7.16

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