24 October, 2013

Thursday - start of the taper...

Did yesterdays WOD - 6.00am class
It was the Primal Food challenge one from 6 weeks ago - except Coach missed on eof the activities
- 30 Box Jumps
- 30 Pull Ups
- 30 Lunges
- 30 KB Swings
- 30 Wall Balls
- 30 Push Ups

time 13.53 - My previous was just under 21min but that had an extra 30 TTB
If I had the 30 TTB then I would have easily beaten my previous time - lots fitter/stronger now
Weight 89.1 yesterday

This morning went for a 25min run up the Harry Ell track - just to the water fountain and back
Still need to do a run or 2 per week....

Weight 89.2 today - good - not too light but not heavy - ready for the weekend....

We do a light workout tonight - practice the team stuff and confirm our plan for each WOD

They still haven't published then 5th WOD (We do it Sunday Lunchtime...)


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