23 July, 2013

Mixed up WOD - cool

Well Nira decided to mix it up from the prescribed WOD today

Supposed to be a Bootcamp style - but a few people grumbling about it so he changed a few things

We did some skill/strength
Overhead Squats + Strict Pullups
Power Cleans + Kipping Pullups


then Met-con "Bootcamp"  10min AMRAP and a structured rest between rounds
- 5 DB power Snatch
- 5 DB Squats
- 5 DB Push Press
- 5 DB Power Clean

I used 10kg DBs managed 8 rounds using a 30sec rest

Weight: 90.7 !! so a bit heavier than I thought - oh well here we go - some clean eating for the rest of this week

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