04 July, 2013

And even more leg work - aargh!

Yes - we had weighted lunges.  The quads took some warming up this morning...

Did a strength startup - Ring Dips 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
I did them strict, then added some weight for the 3s  last two sets holding a 5kg db - nice!!

WOD 4 RFT 30sec rst between rounds
- 8 DB Cleans
- 8 Lunges Left
- 8 Lunges Right
- 8 Push Press

Got wussed into going with 15kg DBs  bugger
Time 7.20

Then the coach threw a finisher at us BUGGER!!
4 man team sharing:
- 1000m row
- 50 Wall Balls
- 50 20kg plate GTO (Ground To Overhead)
- 1000m row
each of the above had a team buy-in of 12 burpees - shit that pushed the heart rate up

weight: 88.1kg good stuff

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