31 July, 2013

Hump Day WOD


More handstand drills - working towards the kipping handstand ushup - I can do these already, however always fun to relearn a few things

We did strict pull ups as part of the warmup - I need to build my basic strength across the back etc. 

WOD 20min EMOM
- Even mins 3 Push-Press (bar 50kg)
- Odd mins 10-15sec L-sit hold

The coach changed it up every 5min - moved to 4 reps, then 3 C&Js, then 30sec of C&J's
Lots of rest in each minute - Started easy then as time progressed it was a bit sweaty

Weight 89.9....

30 July, 2013

I have evil scales - they don't believe in positive re-enforcement

Yes - so my scales say 89.8 again and if I jump on them hard they say 89.9....  F'sake

Bootcamp WOD this morning
well Crossfit by another name (still don't know why)

Practice handstands after the warmup - good stuff

- 12 Thrusters
- 400m run
- 12 Thrusters
- 30 sec rest

I used a 30kg bar (I think Nira wanted me on 40kg but meh)
time 11.20 (ish)
Then a finisher of ABs work...

29 July, 2013

New week - work on a private strength/skill program

As well as the morning WOD this week I'm going to write up a program to do at night

Some of it might envolve going to the box to do some bar work, otherwise it should all be at home

Today (this morning)
Snatch drills 5 sets  - 2-pull - above knee/below knee - add weight etc

WOD 21 - 15 - 9  12 min cut
- Power Snatch  40kg
- Burpees
time 11.10   finding it harder as I go up the weights...

L sit - managed a good leg out hold for 35sec
Handstand (assisted) across the floor

Weight 89.8

25 July, 2013

Snatch drills - awesome, but

but I need to a lot more - cause getting to my goal snatch weight of 70kg needs constant work...

we did snatch drills - I did them with 50kg - power snatching mosting - trying to get under the bar etc

Then we did this rope arm exercise - wowo that was different and surprising difficult

and then some awesome stretching - mostly around hamstring/quads

Weight 90.2

24 July, 2013

Good Job Nira!

Nira created a great class today

After the warmup - and we were nicely wormed up
we got into some OH Squats with the bar - lots of reps - holding the squat position for 2-5 seconds
I got nice depth - felt good
Then we did a Pull-up drill - Hold in the Up Position, plus some handstand holds

WOD 3 RFT  (rabout a 20min cut)
- 30 KB Swings 24kg
- 30 Burpees
- 30 Warrior Situps

My time 19.15 - broke it up into smaller sets

Weight 90.8 !!!   too much pasta and chippies last night - Got to stop eating my feelings

23 July, 2013

Mixed up WOD - cool

Well Nira decided to mix it up from the prescribed WOD today

Supposed to be a Bootcamp style - but a few people grumbling about it so he changed a few things

We did some skill/strength
Overhead Squats + Strict Pullups
Power Cleans + Kipping Pullups


then Met-con "Bootcamp"  10min AMRAP and a structured rest between rounds
- 5 DB power Snatch
- 5 DB Squats
- 5 DB Push Press
- 5 DB Power Clean

I used 10kg DBs managed 8 rounds using a 30sec rest

Weight: 90.7 !! so a bit heavier than I thought - oh well here we go - some clean eating for the rest of this week

22 July, 2013

A few kgs back on... but worth it

Brass Band Nationals are over for 2013.

Lots of drinking and some dodgy eating...
Tried to keep clean during the days with protein shakes, but the flavour of whey powder i took wasn't that nice

While in New Plymouth I managed two Crossfit classes with Born & Bred Crossfit.  Thanks to Coach Shane

Back into regular programming this week and lets see if I can be 88.? something by Friday

Todays WOD
Back Squat - 15min to find 3RM  hit my PR 120kg.  nice

Then a couple of finishers
Single leg lifts 40 each

50 situp/get up (Nira modified this a bit to be getup and OH a 20kg plate)

Weight this morning (after two shakes and a big coffee 91.3 (so say take 1.0kg off for the liquids) probably 90.3ish

16 July, 2013

energy and heart rate - met con

Wondering what level of heart rate and pushing myself - what level is appropriate for my age and fitness level.

I'll explain below

WOD 1:  Ring Dips
5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
Getting better at these - need to work on them at home tho

WOD 2:  10min EMOM
- 5 Deadlift
- 5 Power Clean
- 5 Thrusters

picking a weight that allows for some rest in the minute
I went with 40kg - easy enough weight - but had to rest on the 6th set and change weight to 30kg
The first 3-4 sets I had 25sec of rest but it wasn't enough time to recover enough to get through all the sets
Heart slowly rose during those first sets (well it went up a lot then down a little each rest period, but not enough - so the next set started at a higher level etc)
The WOD looked simple but picking the wrong weight had huge ramifications...

My Weight: 89.3

15 July, 2013

Band Contest Week

Off to New Plymouth on Wednesday...

have a few client things to do while there - so happy it's a paying trip, otherwise - looking forward to hearing some good band playing and a few solos maybe

Monday's WOD
20min AMRAP Crazy Cindy
- 30 sec shuttle run
- 5 Strict Pull Ups
- 10 Killer Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats against the wall
- 30 Sec mandatory rest

Managed about 8 rounds...
Strict Pull Ups are still a weakness - so used a band
Killer Push Ups - are with one knee up against elbow
Squatting agant the wall forces you into a better posture - I'm cool with that as my posture getting good now - more flexible in the hip/knee department - I can keep my back more upright

Weight: didn't measure!

12 July, 2013


That means "Full noise no scaling" and "Did Not Finish"

I'm trying to go RX with as many WODs as I can now... I might finish last but for me it's about getting used to lifting/shifting the Rx weight or movement

So today my DUs let me down, but - I did persevere - cause DUs need to be automatic and the only way to get there is by doing then under stress

WOD AQAP (25min cut)
10 - 9 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
- KB Swings 24kg (yep - must use the full weight)
- Burpees
- DUs x2 (so it was 20 - 18 - 16 - etc) Unbroken sets

I got all the way through and on the way back up to the 5's before time
Getting unbroken DUs was the limiting factor - got the 20 then 18 unbroken but the next one took ages 16 unbroken - and there wre others and this cost me a lot of time

Weight: 88.2kg  good

11 July, 2013

Another PR

Back Squat day

WOD - Back Squat find 3RM
Sets 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
Final 5 set was 100kg, then first 3 was 110, the 115, then 120kg !!!

WOD2 - 50 TRX band pullups

WOD3  Turkish Pullups

Weight 88.6ish

10 July, 2013

Big WOD today

WOD - AQAP 25min cut
- 100 Wall Balls 9kg
- 80 Double Unders
- 60 24kg Kettle Bell Swings
- 40 24" Box Jumps
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 KB Snatch (Rx24kg) I used a 16kg - Which I regret, as I Rx'd all of the rest

Time 21.?? didn't check what was written down had to get out of there to give Tim a lift to work
Very happy that I did the DUs - best continuous was 30... nice

Weight: 88.6  nice

09 July, 2013

Strange WOD today

Goat session - did snatch drills

WOD (20min cutoff)
- 800m "Skiers"
- 800 m run
- 100 Warrior Situps

The skiers were a 1 dumb-bell swing kick back thing alternating arms - actually it was 400 of these to equate to 800 - I used a 12.5kg DB
DNF - got to within 26 of the 100 Warrior Situps - bugger (no one else finished - was about 3rd closest tho

Weight: 88.9

08 July, 2013

Snatch Technique for me

WOD 1:  10 lifts to reach 1RM for Snatch
Concentrating on technique - 50kg, but ugly still
Need to go back to gym in my own time and focus on this for a while...

WOD 2: 30 pistols (each leg - so 60 in all)

WOD 3: 50 Plate situps and standup (with plate above head)
Ugly - got to 30.... Girls were awesome at this

Weight 89.5 - oh well another week

05 July, 2013

not too much effort today - hah!!

Legs felt really sore today - took a bit of warming up

Thankfully todays WOD was short and with very little leg extension work

WOD: Reps times Weight
- 3 min GTO
- 90 sec rest
- 2 min GTO
- 90 sec rest
- 1 min GTO

used 40kg bar.  48 reps x 40kg = 1920 score

weight 88.1  mmm  need to watch it

04 July, 2013

And even more leg work - aargh!

Yes - we had weighted lunges.  The quads took some warming up this morning...

Did a strength startup - Ring Dips 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
I did them strict, then added some weight for the 3s  last two sets holding a 5kg db - nice!!

WOD 4 RFT 30sec rst between rounds
- 8 DB Cleans
- 8 Lunges Left
- 8 Lunges Right
- 8 Push Press

Got wussed into going with 15kg DBs  bugger
Time 7.20

Then the coach threw a finisher at us BUGGER!!
4 man team sharing:
- 1000m row
- 50 Wall Balls
- 50 20kg plate GTO (Ground To Overhead)
- 1000m row
each of the above had a team buy-in of 12 burpees - shit that pushed the heart rate up

weight: 88.1kg good stuff

03 July, 2013

More leg work - yeow!

Back to the 0600 class

After the warmup we did some Pullup/Kipping/TTB drills then worked on this skill for a little bit, before starting the WOD

WOD: 3 RFT 20min cut
- 40 Pistols (20L/20R)
- 800m run

my time 16.34  did the pistols with support of a band on the rig
My outside quads are feeling it bad

Weight: 88.7

02 July, 2013

Lunchtime WOD

Late night - last night, so programmed todays class for 12.15 (lots of red wine and not much sleep)

WOD: 3 RFT 16min cut
- 40 air squats
- 30 Pull Ups
- 20 DB PushPresses  (10-20kg DBs)

I chose 12.5kg DB's :)

My time 15.53 (close) I had to use a red band to get through the last round of Pull Ups.  90 in total is a hard ask - I'm go for 60-70 reps, after that my forearms are getting burnt out

Don't know my weight - work it out tomorrow

01 July, 2013

Back Squat day

New Week - Back Squat WOD

WOD: 15min to find 1RM (3 - 3- 3 - 1 - 1- 1)
My final 3 rep set was bigger than my previous 3RM and I did 2 single rep sets getting to 125kg!!

Bridge DB Press sets (Lying on back with arse in te air etc)

5 sets of Turkish Get-ups....

Good start to the week

Weight: 88.7kg