16 January, 2013

tired today

Need to sort out the number of hours sleep I get each night.  I enjoy the 6.00am class, but getting up at 5.30 each morning leaves me with not enough hours of sleep...

Yes - I need to go to bed/sleep earlier...  But I want to share time with my partner and she is more of a night owl

Standard warmup - not sure I'm liking this.  3 days in a row doing exactly the same.....

WOD - AQAP 5 rounds
- 9 Dead lifts
- 6 Hang Snatch
- 3 Overhead Squat

The Rx weight was 60kg Men and 40kg women - Too hard for me, the Hang Snatch would be difficult enough
I setup a 40kg bar (Noticed the newbie kid did same but half way thru knocked it down to 30 and still struggled)

My time 8.34 - and sweating hard

Finisher: AMRAP 10min
- 10 Burpees
- 30 DU's or 20 DU attempts

Managed only 3 complete rounds - bloody DU's  I occasionally got a run of DU attempts but couldn't get any long flow to it

Weight this morning: 87.1 again - not bad given the shit I ate last night

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