With some trepidation I went to Crossfit this morning.
Back up a bit... I was up at 4.30am this morning to get my sister to a flight to Melbourne and then she goes on to Launceston in Tasmania - Home. She has been visiting my Father for a few days (long story - another blog...)
So I had nearly an hour to kill before the 6.00am class - botton line I'm very tired, sitting here at my work thinking I will have a small sleep this afternoon.
Back to the CF
Strength Session - Push Press 3 Set 3 Reps
Warmed up to 50kg, then 55, and finished on 60kg
Surprisingly my muscles started to work and the soreness slowly ebbed away
WOD - AQAP 5 rounds
- 5 Burpee Box Jumps 24inch
- 5 HSPU (or scale option 4 Wall Climbs) - I did the scale
My time 8.36
My knee is sore still from Saturday - like a bruise under the patella but I know that what it is is Patella Femoral Syndrome, or at least partly that.
Weight this morning.... 91.0kgs again (same as yesterday) Need to watch closely what I eat
My journey through the world of CrossFit in pursuit of that lean muscular self that hides beneath
30 October, 2012
29 October, 2012
Last Saturday - OMG !!
If I thought having rest day Friday and popping a long for a GPP1 Class (Entry-level) was going to be a good start to the weekend.....
There are 2 8.00am classes on a Sat Morning. A GPP1 and a GPP2/3 class. I usually do GPP2/3 classes having been doing Crossfit for enough months to know the techniques - So I'm a GPP2 level person gaining more strength as I head towards being able to RX the various WOD programs
OK - So the GPP1 program as written up on the whiteboard looked interesting, so much so that the GPP2/3 class suggested that they wanted to do that program as well as there's looked a little boring...
So the coaches got together and decided to combine, BUT, Coach Pete upped the reps for our WOD !!!
The reps went from 150 to 200 !!! We were doing this in teams of two, even so, 200 reps shared between two people is still a lot
Here it is.... AQAP "Angies Little Helper" as a team
200 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
200 Push Ups
6 Burpees
200 Sit Ups
4 Burpees
200 Air Squats
2 Burpees
Each team member had to be tagged in as we shared the exercise
I was teamed up with Maree Bowden - Ex Canterbury Tactix Netball captain - VERY FIT
She pushed me - and when I started to go for the band on the Pull Ups she stopped me and made me carry on.
We were allowed to assist with the Pull Ups - So I could push Maree up from here waist as she kipped up on the pull ups and she did same for me.
Our time 30min 55sec - I felt like throwing up at the end....
Now I'm writing this post on Monday morning - a full two days later - I'm still very sore....
There are 2 8.00am classes on a Sat Morning. A GPP1 and a GPP2/3 class. I usually do GPP2/3 classes having been doing Crossfit for enough months to know the techniques - So I'm a GPP2 level person gaining more strength as I head towards being able to RX the various WOD programs
OK - So the GPP1 program as written up on the whiteboard looked interesting, so much so that the GPP2/3 class suggested that they wanted to do that program as well as there's looked a little boring...
So the coaches got together and decided to combine, BUT, Coach Pete upped the reps for our WOD !!!
The reps went from 150 to 200 !!! We were doing this in teams of two, even so, 200 reps shared between two people is still a lot
Here it is.... AQAP "Angies Little Helper" as a team
200 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
200 Push Ups
6 Burpees
200 Sit Ups
4 Burpees
200 Air Squats
2 Burpees
Each team member had to be tagged in as we shared the exercise
I was teamed up with Maree Bowden - Ex Canterbury Tactix Netball captain - VERY FIT
She pushed me - and when I started to go for the band on the Pull Ups she stopped me and made me carry on.
We were allowed to assist with the Pull Ups - So I could push Maree up from here waist as she kipped up on the pull ups and she did same for me.
Our time 30min 55sec - I felt like throwing up at the end....
Now I'm writing this post on Monday morning - a full two days later - I'm still very sore....
25 October, 2012
Tired and sore
A bit of a struggle today, and it didn't feel any better when I saw the WOD on the whiteboard
Warmup based on the skills we re doing today
Skills Session
Toes To Bar
Double Unders
Rope Climbs
Pistol Squats
WOD AQAP 5 Rounds (Cut off 16min)
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Wall Balls
- 20 Cal Rowing Machine (thats go until you burnt 20 calories)
Well it was DNF - missed by 1xWall Balls and 1xRow Machine
Most of the class DNF'd
Weight this morning 89.0kg Cool - closer to where I was....
Warmup based on the skills we re doing today
Skills Session
Toes To Bar
Double Unders
Rope Climbs
Pistol Squats
WOD AQAP 5 Rounds (Cut off 16min)
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Wall Balls
- 20 Cal Rowing Machine (thats go until you burnt 20 calories)
Well it was DNF - missed by 1xWall Balls and 1xRow Machine
Most of the class DNF'd
Weight this morning 89.0kg Cool - closer to where I was....
24 October, 2012
Good skill session
After the warmup...
Started with a session on Snatch Squat. Get the bar off the racking, then from behind the neck (like a back squat) push thrust up and drop. Hold in the squat position and come up.
The idea was to get used to the balancing at the squat position after the thrust and drop movement - all good stuff
Strength WOD - 5 sets of 3 reps - Power Snatch
Teamed up with Andy - 50kg had me maxed out - otherwise the form would have been very ugly
WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
- 5 Box Jumps Rx is 30inch, but I'm not quite there yet so 24inch
- 10 Power Cleans 50% of Best Clean. My best clean is 70kg - but I went with 40kg for this
A quick WOD - 3.22
Argh - Weight still 89.8 this morning....
Started with a session on Snatch Squat. Get the bar off the racking, then from behind the neck (like a back squat) push thrust up and drop. Hold in the squat position and come up.
The idea was to get used to the balancing at the squat position after the thrust and drop movement - all good stuff
Strength WOD - 5 sets of 3 reps - Power Snatch
Teamed up with Andy - 50kg had me maxed out - otherwise the form would have been very ugly
WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
- 5 Box Jumps Rx is 30inch, but I'm not quite there yet so 24inch
- 10 Power Cleans 50% of Best Clean. My best clean is 70kg - but I went with 40kg for this
A quick WOD - 3.22
Argh - Weight still 89.8 this morning....
23 October, 2012
WOD "Nicole"
Long weekend - A nice break, but.... my weight has gone up to 89.8kgs, so back to watching it like a hawk
Crossfit Class this morning
Strength Session
3 Sets of 5 reps Push-Press
After warmup I started on 50kg, then 55 and finished on 60kg
WOD 'Nicole' AMRAP 20min
- 400m Run
- As many pullups as possible
The catch with this is that every time you drop from the bar - you do a 400m run...
I wrote up my Pullups each time I dropped
10 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 2 = 46
Not the lowest in the class - BUT I did Rx them - the feeling of doing this without the band was cool !!
Crossfit Class this morning
Strength Session
3 Sets of 5 reps Push-Press
After warmup I started on 50kg, then 55 and finished on 60kg
WOD 'Nicole' AMRAP 20min
- 400m Run
- As many pullups as possible
The catch with this is that every time you drop from the bar - you do a 400m run...
I wrote up my Pullups each time I dropped
10 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 2 = 46
Not the lowest in the class - BUT I did Rx them - the feeling of doing this without the band was cool !!
19 October, 2012
The Friday Finisher - Finished me!
Last 24 hours - lots of exercise....
Hockey last night at 9.15pm under lights. Meant I didn't home until 10.45 and then after shower it was into bed well after 11. We only have the bare 11
Up at 5.30am again this morning to make the 6.00am Cross-fit Class
a games like warmup - a bit of fun
Then a Birthday WOD for Rob - so we had a minute of pull-up Burpees - Sounds short but its hard.
Main WOD - tw0 parts
Part One AQAP - 3 rounds
- 10 Chest To Bar (CTB)
- 10 Front Squats 45kg (Rx was 75% of BW - I'm along way off being able to do that)
- 10 Burpees
My time 7.58
Then 5 minutes rest
Part Two 3 rounds of 2 minutes doing
- 10 Thrusters 35kg
- As many Pull Ups as you can do in the remaining time (I managed 15 each round)
Well I did 15 the first round so made sure I did the same - Total of 45 Pullups pretty good - I scaled with the Red Band - Last step before doing these Rx
My Weight - Well finally the scales moved 87.6 so in 12 days I have dropped 3.9kg
Hockey last night at 9.15pm under lights. Meant I didn't home until 10.45 and then after shower it was into bed well after 11. We only have the bare 11
Up at 5.30am again this morning to make the 6.00am Cross-fit Class
a games like warmup - a bit of fun
Then a Birthday WOD for Rob - so we had a minute of pull-up Burpees - Sounds short but its hard.
Main WOD - tw0 parts
Part One AQAP - 3 rounds
- 10 Chest To Bar (CTB)
- 10 Front Squats 45kg (Rx was 75% of BW - I'm along way off being able to do that)
- 10 Burpees
My time 7.58
Then 5 minutes rest
Part Two 3 rounds of 2 minutes doing
- 10 Thrusters 35kg
- As many Pull Ups as you can do in the remaining time (I managed 15 each round)
Well I did 15 the first round so made sure I did the same - Total of 45 Pullups pretty good - I scaled with the Red Band - Last step before doing these Rx
My Weight - Well finally the scales moved 87.6 so in 12 days I have dropped 3.9kg
18 October, 2012
Kettle Bell and Box Jumps
Very sweaty WOD today...
Strength session was Overhead Squats 3 Sets of 3 Reps
I must write my Personal Records down cause I can't remember them once I'm there
Anyway it was nice to come back to the office and this blog and see that my OH Squat record ws 55kg and I think that was a One-Rep and getting the bar from the rack.
We had to do these from the floor, so you use up a bit of energy just getting the bar to the overhead position
Today I started at 45kg, then 50 and finished with 55kg The last rep was a little wobbly but it was all the way down and back up...
WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
-10 Box Jumps 24inch box
- 20 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 30 Double Unders (or 60 Singles for scale - which is what I did)
My time 9.08
My weight again this morning was 88.8kg I think my scales are playing games with my head....
Strength session was Overhead Squats 3 Sets of 3 Reps
I must write my Personal Records down cause I can't remember them once I'm there
Anyway it was nice to come back to the office and this blog and see that my OH Squat record ws 55kg and I think that was a One-Rep and getting the bar from the rack.
We had to do these from the floor, so you use up a bit of energy just getting the bar to the overhead position
Today I started at 45kg, then 50 and finished with 55kg The last rep was a little wobbly but it was all the way down and back up...
WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
-10 Box Jumps 24inch box
- 20 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 30 Double Unders (or 60 Singles for scale - which is what I did)
My time 9.08
My weight again this morning was 88.8kg I think my scales are playing games with my head....
16 October, 2012
A run...
When there isn't an expectation to be at the gym by a certain staring time then getting out of bed is difficult...
I set the alarm for the usual 5.30am but didn't crawl out until 5.47 so that put me a little behind the schedule.
Put my running gear on etc and drove up to the Sign of the Takahe. It was warmer up there. We had a mild frost around the house so I was thankful for the decision to run from up the hill.
Ran the Harry Ell track. My legs were feeling the Squats we had done yesterday. So the run was steady but easy. Bumped into an old client from 25 years ago and chatted to him for about 10-15 minutes so was very rested 2/3rds of the way into it. But late home...
Run was about 42minutes (deducting the say 12 minutes for the chat)
Weight this morning 88.8kg Same as yesterday - probably due to the Sushi I ate for tea - too much rice...
The Sushi didn't make me feel that great and I was looking for more food later.
Lamb and salad for tea tonight so much better
I set the alarm for the usual 5.30am but didn't crawl out until 5.47 so that put me a little behind the schedule.
Put my running gear on etc and drove up to the Sign of the Takahe. It was warmer up there. We had a mild frost around the house so I was thankful for the decision to run from up the hill.
Ran the Harry Ell track. My legs were feeling the Squats we had done yesterday. So the run was steady but easy. Bumped into an old client from 25 years ago and chatted to him for about 10-15 minutes so was very rested 2/3rds of the way into it. But late home...
Run was about 42minutes (deducting the say 12 minutes for the chat)
Weight this morning 88.8kg Same as yesterday - probably due to the Sushi I ate for tea - too much rice...
The Sushi didn't make me feel that great and I was looking for more food later.
Lamb and salad for tea tonight so much better
15 October, 2012
GREAT start to the week
Apart from having to go to the 7.00am class - all was good
Usual warm up
Strength Session
Back Squat 3 Sets of 3 reps
I warmed up to 80kg for my first, the 90 for second and managed 100kg for my third set
A Personal Record - rang the bell!!
WOD - AQAP 17 min cut off
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Front squats (Rx 65% of BW) I went with 50kgs
50 - 45 - 40 - 35 - 30 - 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
- Double Unders (or scale singles at 100 - 90 - 80 etc) or DU attempts
I did the singles
My singles are fast and I'm nearly there for DU's so very soon I'll Rx them
My time 14.36
Weight this morning 88.8kg cool in 8 days I have dropped 2.7 kgs
Usual warm up
Strength Session
Back Squat 3 Sets of 3 reps
I warmed up to 80kg for my first, the 90 for second and managed 100kg for my third set
A Personal Record - rang the bell!!
WOD - AQAP 17 min cut off
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Front squats (Rx 65% of BW) I went with 50kgs
50 - 45 - 40 - 35 - 30 - 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
- Double Unders (or scale singles at 100 - 90 - 80 etc) or DU attempts
I did the singles
My singles are fast and I'm nearly there for DU's so very soon I'll Rx them
My time 14.36
Weight this morning 88.8kg cool in 8 days I have dropped 2.7 kgs
11 October, 2012
Grabbed a Thursday class
Last night I started thinking about what exercise was in front of me and wondering if a run in the morning would be a good thing when I have a game of Hockey in the evening (12+hours later)
ummm - nah, not such a good idea for my legs,
So, decided to grab another Crossfit Class at 6.00am this morning
What an interesting class....
Strength session
3 Sets of 5 reps Power Cleans
WOD - A 3 part, each part 5 min with a 2 min rest between parts
Part 1
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Clean (full clean with squat) Rx was 90% of BW I did 60kg 67%... nearly 70% :-)
Part 2
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Hang Clean - I lowered the weight for this 50kg (It was a bit heavy in part 1 and my technique was shit)
- Burpees
Part 3
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Press Over Head (get the weight up then press it over head)
- Knees To Elbow KTE
I finished them all within the 5. The weight probably should have been 55kg which would have been more challenging for part 2 and 3
Weight this morning 89.2kg In 4 days dropped 2.3kgs
ummm - nah, not such a good idea for my legs,
So, decided to grab another Crossfit Class at 6.00am this morning
What an interesting class....
Strength session
3 Sets of 5 reps Power Cleans
WOD - A 3 part, each part 5 min with a 2 min rest between parts
Part 1
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Clean (full clean with squat) Rx was 90% of BW I did 60kg 67%... nearly 70% :-)
Part 2
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Hang Clean - I lowered the weight for this 50kg (It was a bit heavy in part 1 and my technique was shit)
- Burpees
Part 3
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Press Over Head (get the weight up then press it over head)
- Knees To Elbow KTE
I finished them all within the 5. The weight probably should have been 55kg which would have been more challenging for part 2 and 3
Weight this morning 89.2kg In 4 days dropped 2.3kgs
10 October, 2012
Really getting it now
Another great class this morning
The work outs are as hard as you make them etc and while I do feel them, the recovery time is shorter now
A good warmup - A set of drills...
Strength Set (2 parts)
6 Sets of 3 reps Overhead Squats - emphasis on good technique so ease off the weight and get down
I got the weight to 45kgs and the squat was well down - had to watch my left knee popping
Good Mornings - 10 sets of 3 reps with basically the bar weight 20kg
Backs of legs were feeling it at the end
WOD 4 mins AMRAP with a twist
- 400m run (once only)
- as many Dead Lifts at 80% of body weight in the time remaining (72.5kg)
Got the height rate up. The run felt really good and I had lots of energy to throw into the dead-lifts
Managed 33 Dead Lifts Sweet !
Weight this morning 89.8 (actually same as yesterday). I did take Tim to movies last night and had some KFC for tea after 9.00pm oops
The work outs are as hard as you make them etc and while I do feel them, the recovery time is shorter now
A good warmup - A set of drills...
Strength Set (2 parts)
6 Sets of 3 reps Overhead Squats - emphasis on good technique so ease off the weight and get down
I got the weight to 45kgs and the squat was well down - had to watch my left knee popping
Good Mornings - 10 sets of 3 reps with basically the bar weight 20kg
Backs of legs were feeling it at the end
WOD 4 mins AMRAP with a twist
- 400m run (once only)
- as many Dead Lifts at 80% of body weight in the time remaining (72.5kg)
Got the height rate up. The run felt really good and I had lots of energy to throw into the dead-lifts
Managed 33 Dead Lifts Sweet !
Weight this morning 89.8 (actually same as yesterday). I did take Tim to movies last night and had some KFC for tea after 9.00pm oops
08 October, 2012
Enjoying the Oly Bar lifts
"Oly" - yeah an abbreviation of Olympic Standard Bar.
Although there are different sizes - essentially it's a 20kg bar of a particular size etc that you can put your hands around and is strong enough to put massive weights on the end of....
So, doing bar exercises usually means a starting weight of 20kg....
Todays WOD
First part - Maximum single rep Snatch
Got up to 57.5 kgs - lots to remember as you explode the weight upwards and dive under it...
Second part
AMRAP 9 min
- 1 Power Snatch (75% of max single Snatch - as worked out above)
- 1 Bar facing Burpee (Thats a burpee that finishes with you juming over the bar as you clap above your head...)
- 2 Power Snatches
- 2 Bar facing Burpees
- 3 ...,, then 4..., 5 etc
I go all through 7 rounds plus the 8 power snatches - using 40kgs - Yes I should have done 43kg...so shoot me !
My weight - Well - I am back into Paleo eating.
Yesterday morning 91.5kg SHIT !!!
This morning 90.3kg Cool start....
Although there are different sizes - essentially it's a 20kg bar of a particular size etc that you can put your hands around and is strong enough to put massive weights on the end of....
So, doing bar exercises usually means a starting weight of 20kg....
Todays WOD
First part - Maximum single rep Snatch
Got up to 57.5 kgs - lots to remember as you explode the weight upwards and dive under it...
Second part
AMRAP 9 min
- 1 Power Snatch (75% of max single Snatch - as worked out above)
- 1 Bar facing Burpee (Thats a burpee that finishes with you juming over the bar as you clap above your head...)
- 2 Power Snatches
- 2 Bar facing Burpees
- 3 ...,, then 4..., 5 etc
I go all through 7 rounds plus the 8 power snatches - using 40kgs - Yes I should have done 43kg...so shoot me !
My weight - Well - I am back into Paleo eating.
Yesterday morning 91.5kg SHIT !!!
This morning 90.3kg Cool start....
05 October, 2012
End of Wek - 4 classes this week
I didn't get in a run this week although played Masters Hockey last night so I did get some running in albeit stop-start stuff
Todays (Friday) a nice close to the week. Coach Pete took it
Strength session - Back Squat 5 - 5 - 5
I built this up to 85kg. My best one rep is 95 so 85 for 5 rep was fine - the last 2 reps were difficult
WOD AQAP 5 rounds of
- 5 Power Cleans - I used 45kg
- 10 Pistol Squats - Alt legs
- 15 Toes to Bar
my time 14.57
Todays (Friday) a nice close to the week. Coach Pete took it
Strength session - Back Squat 5 - 5 - 5
I built this up to 85kg. My best one rep is 95 so 85 for 5 rep was fine - the last 2 reps were difficult
WOD AQAP 5 rounds of
- 5 Power Cleans - I used 45kg
- 10 Pistol Squats - Alt legs
- 15 Toes to Bar
my time 14.57
02 October, 2012
Crossfit today - run later...
Stepping up the Crossfit - body is handling these workouts better
6.00am class
after warmup...
Strength session was 3 sets of 5 Floor Presses (like a bench press except from the floor)
I started at 70 and built it up to finish on 80kg for final set of 5
75 Overhead Squats - 30kg (Rx was 55% of body weight - that would have been 49kgs for me...)
Everytime the bar hit the deck - 5 burpees active rest...
My time 7.50 did it in sets of 20 and 15 to finish
6.00am class
after warmup...
Strength session was 3 sets of 5 Floor Presses (like a bench press except from the floor)
I started at 70 and built it up to finish on 80kg for final set of 5
75 Overhead Squats - 30kg (Rx was 55% of body weight - that would have been 49kgs for me...)
Everytime the bar hit the deck - 5 burpees active rest...
My time 7.50 did it in sets of 20 and 15 to finish
01 October, 2012
New Month - yeeha!!
Did the 7.00am class this morning...
A tough one
Strength stuff
One Rep max Front Squat - 3 lifts
I started at 82.5 for the first, the 85, and finished with 87.5 - possibly could have done more...
Good lifts
WOD AQAP - 15min cut off
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Dead Lift (I did these with 100kg)
- Burpees
My Time 9.56
Felt wrecked at the end
A tough one
Strength stuff
One Rep max Front Squat - 3 lifts
I started at 82.5 for the first, the 85, and finished with 87.5 - possibly could have done more...
Good lifts
WOD AQAP - 15min cut off
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Dead Lift (I did these with 100kg)
- Burpees
My Time 9.56
Felt wrecked at the end
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