08 January, 2016

Wow - nearly two years...

OK - so it's not good news on a lot of fronts...
1. current weight 96.0kgs
2. Bad knee - cartilage knee fissures, in other words when I squat deep it hurts (swells)
3. Uric Acid in the blood - now on daily allupurinol to keep this down - seems to be working

As far as Crossfit is concerned I have been on a break while I try to get my body worked out.  However I do have enough kit in my garage now to do strength and cardio stuff

The 2015 Open was a great event for me, but I was too heavy, and the final 15.5 Thrusters really hammered my knee and bought all the health issues to the fore.

Managed to break through on Muscle Ups - did 9 in The Open wod

OK - so what now...

A. Paleo - the Pete Evans way
B. Strength and Met Conditioning
C. Learn to run in the "Natural"method (or Pose depending on your definition)
D. Get weight back to where it was at the end of 2013 i.e. 88/89kgs
E. Do the 2016 Crossfit Open

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