04 December, 2013

Two great Met-cons

Did the 12.15 class yesterday

35min endurance met-con
5 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Pull Ups
4 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Box Step Ups
- 5 Burpee Knee Tucks
3 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Box Jumps
- 5 HSPU (I scaled and held handstand 20+sec)

My base time was 31.35
then you had 1 min rest and the balance of time was 30sec Situps 30sec plank
F'ing hard grind - those 200m runs were a killer

Then this morning
Strength was 3 sets of 5 Strict Press - not so good just 55kg barely

WOD - "Nancy"  16min cut
- 400m run
- 15 OH Squats (Rx was 42kg) I did it with 30kg - feeling a little sore from last two days

My time 15.37  The OHS were good form which was pleasing

Weight 88.1

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