19 August, 2013

THIS TIME - Do it right...

Look closely at the amount of "other food" I consume.  Make sure my dinner plate isn't loaded high and definitely no seconds

Tonight I'm organising hamburgers - So I'll make healthy burger meat patties, and I'll have that with salad and some sweet potatoes - yum

Todays WOD - was a killer...
"Roy" (I think)  5 RFT
- 15 Deadlifts
- 20 Box Jumps 24"
- 25 Pull Ups

I did the DL with 70kg (Rx was 100/70)
Rx'd the rest
Time - 31min !!!  Shit Maree did it in 21.??  and she had 70kg

I did all the pull ups in sets of 5 - these slowed me down the most - the first round was hard before I found my second wind

Weight 89.8 - LETS GO.... low 88's is the target - but still have energy

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