06 August, 2013

That smashed me!!!

So I decided to go to the Crossfit classes this week, instead of those called "Boot Camp".  That meant going to the 7.00am class this morning

The workout was similar to the Bootcamp one just harder!!!

WOD 35min cut
- 100 Pull Ups
- 100 KB Swings ( I did 80)
- 100 DU's (I did 80)
- 100 OH Squats (I did 80 with 35kg)

Time 34.48 !! and I was wiped out
The Pull Ups took over 12 mins - If I could have done those in under 10 then doing all 100 reps each would have been possible
My forearms were smoked after KB swings which made flicking the rope around quick tricky and slow(lots of stops)

Weight this morning 89.4 Good

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