11 December, 2013

Good start to Hump Day

Weight 88.8kg - not bad considering the crap I ate last night - must have been very down on carbs

I did yesterdays Sweat Fest Tuesday:
- 400m run
- 50 Wall Balls
- 400m run
- 50 Bear Crawls
- 400m Run
- 50 Knees to Elbows
- 400m run
- 50 Burpee Box Jumps
- 400m run

time 28.11 - a tough bastard

This morning...
Strength Session:
Front Squats  5 - 5 - 5ME
Pushed the warmup along and then did 90 kg 8 reps

WOD - AMRAP 15 min
- 50 Push Ups
- 50 V-ups
- 50 KB Swings
- 50 Air Squats

managed 280 reps

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