05 September, 2012

Buggered, well nearly

and not buggered in the bad way - ok

The last WOD had a huge effect on my arms/shoulders.  They felt sore and tired all weekend.

I went back to Crossfit yesterday and did a GPP1 class WOD - they have new class structures.  I suppose the previous ones were GPP2/3 level.  GPP1 is for the newbies who are building up strength and technique etc and the expectation is that you would be at this level for about 3 months.  Given how I was feeling this level class would suit me fine and when I saw what the GPP2/3 class were doing then perfect

- 5 Pull Ups
- 7 Front Squats (i did 50kg)
- 9 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 200m run

Managed 5 complete rounds - cool !!
And even better - all the Pull Ups were kipping without a band !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is hard on the shoulders

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