31 July, 2012

Awful weather - great WOD

Todays WOD - Overhead Squat

Nice big warmup - outside its raining heavily...

Overhead Squat
5 Sets withe these reps 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 (and an extra 1)

Straight out strength and technique
Locking out the arms above your head and keeping it straight up while you go done into a full squat and back up again
I started at 30kg which seemed light, but when I built it up to 45 the set of 3 reps felt hard
Doing a single rep seemed easier as that's all I needed to focus on

Coach allowed us to do an extra 1 rep set to see if we could push it higher - that allowed me to get up to 55kg - Very nice.When your holding the weight up over your head the technique becomes very important!!

Disgusted, but more committed

The battle with my eating has been a depressing episodic!  One week big improvements then a couple of days where my determination is screwed and a few wines/beers and I'm binge eating the breads/rice etc - and the kgs go back on

OK - So what am I doing - 1. writing my goals down, 2. Sharing the goals with those eat home so they know

The goals: 1. 82 kg maintainable weight 2. Run a half marathon, 3. Rx the Crossfit WODs
This will be hard, but its achievable even for this 49year old man!!
Yesterday I weighed in at 91.3 - Today 90.4  - lost 900grams  - I ate better - NO BREAD, NO RICE
Had a lighter lunch - a quasi Ceasar Salad

Food wise - No BREAD/PIZZA - No SUGAR
There will be a small amount of give and take on this.  Food tonight is Nachos (Mince/tomato sauce on corn chips and cheese)  I am wondering how to handle this meal - probably need it to be just the mince sauce and a salad....I'll keep thinking about it

CrossFit yesterday and a 6km run - so I did keep the metabolism firing which would helped

Yesterdays WOD - 5 Rounds AQAP (12 min time limit)
5 24" box jumps (Rx was 30" - I'm not there yet...)
10 Situps
15 Pull Ups (Kipping with Blue Band)

Knocked it out in 9.00 min - A good sweat.
The Coach explained that this WOD was all about getting the heart rate up and holding it up - no resting.  It worked

I do want to get the Kipping Pull Ups going without a Band but hat wasn't the WOD to try it on (advice from Coach)


25 July, 2012

Muscle week continues....

My arms feel like they are being pulled from their sockets

Todays WOD was short and intense, and following on from the last two days made it tough
 7 min AMRAP
3 Power Cleans
6  24" box jumps
9 Breaking Pushups

I managed 4 rounds.  I had put 55kgs on the bar, figuring that I had managed 70kg Cleans yesterday.  But as part of the warmup we had done 3 sets of max Strict Pullups - so shoulders were getting weary already

On my 2nd round I started to struggle with the Power Clean and a dodgy technique meant I dropped the bar against my torso giving my back a twinge - yeow!!

The caoch talked me through what I needed to do and I got through the next 2 rounds concentrating on the "dropping under the bar" and getting those feet out and squatting down - Still not that good at this and until I get this sorted the weight will stay low.

As it was only 7 min - we did a few finisher shuttle sprints

YES - I JUMPED ON THE SCALES - 90.3kg...  Feels like starting again...

24 July, 2012

Seems we have a muscle week, maybe?

Todays WOD was Cleans
7 sets, with these reps 5,5,3,3,3,1,1
Start at a lower weight and keep adding to achieve a maximum
I start ed with 40kg and finished with 70kg - I'm happy with this being my first time at setting a max for the Clean

What's a Clean.  Its the "clean" part of the Clean and Jerk Olympic weight lifting
The trick is getting enough momentum on the bar going up so that you can get underneath it in a full squat position and then up to standing.

I used to think I could never do this with the dodgy knees I have, BUT if done correctly then the muscles are doing the work and not the joints!!!

And no weight to report as I forgot to jump on scales

23 July, 2012

So - back onto the weight thingy..

A good 20 min AQAP WOD this morning

I didn't get it finished in the 20min
30 OH Squats - I did this with 35kgs (Rx was 40 !!)
30 Chest to Bar
30 Power Snatch (From ground to above head in one movement) 35kgs
30 Toes to bar - at this point looking at the clock I dropped back to 20 reps
30 Sumo Power lifts 35kgs (wide legs pull bar up to below chin - quick) (20 reps)
30 Medicine Ball Squats (squat and shunt ball up the wall) (I did 20)
30 Kettle Bell Swings) ( I got to about 8...TIME!!)

Eating and drinking a bit too much over the weekend - Didn't weigh myself,, but back on the wagon today and will weigh in tomorrow

20 July, 2012

Crossfit: End of a bloody hard week

Went along to the lunchtime class

After an easy warmup etc

20 min
1 burpee the first minute, 2 the next, 3 the next minute etc
I got through the 14th minute 105 burpees
We then got a rest minute and then start again at 5 per minute adding 1 again for each next minute - So I managed another (5+6+7+8+15)  41

WTF is wrong with my scales

Thought yesterday was a light meal day, with an average tea...

Scales 90.3kg

OK - I did have two Flat Whites, and a Milo before bed with some fruit loaf - But up 500grams - really!!

19 July, 2012

Some grunt

Todays Crossfit class was a big lift day....

WOD 7 sets of 3 Back Squats over 20 min

This meant that we could start at a weight and add more each time
I started at 70kg and by the seventh set I was on 95kg

My own weight this morning - same as yesterday 89.8 mmmmm

18 July, 2012

by comparison....

Todays Crossfit class seemed too easy by comparison with the last two days.

Still good!  - This was a lunch time session

WOD 7 rounds AQAP (limit 15min)
3 Squats (I used 50kg)
6 Clapping push ups
9 Toes to Bar - The tough bit

My time 11:37
And seeing as we did so well.... teh coach decided we could finish with a Tabata - Air Squats
Tabata - 20sec Action, 10sec Rest.  8 rounds

and my weight this morning 89.8 - I had a bad food day yesterday :-(

17 July, 2012

...and todays was HARDER!!!

Shit a brick!  the WOD was a heart stopper...

argh - back to the beginning - Got up early and did that 4km run I did last week - took a minute off the time - cool.  And this felt good even though I played hockey last night

Weight this morning 89.3 - another great day shaping up

Booked in the lunchtime Crossfit class
WOD 5 rounds AQAP (25min cut-off)
-20m walking lunges holding 15kg plate above head
-21 Burpees to plate (full burpee and jump on plate and clap above head - that shit was tough)

Did it in 19:38 min  Heart rate was through the roof.  Had to break burpees into sets of 7 to get through each round

16 July, 2012

Bloody Hell!

What a start to the week.....

A very easy warm-up was followed by a bastard of a WOD

20 min AMRAP
"As many Pull Ups as possible"
every time you dropped from the bar - pick up a Medicine Ball (9kg) and run 200m
I was doing this scaled (as in using a medium band)
I did 101 Pull Ups (kipping)  these were my sets 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10

Weight this morning - yahoo 89.9kgs (love it when the first number is an 8
I have a game of hockey tonight and another Crossfit class schedule for lunchtime tomorrow - cool


14 July, 2012

Black Friday yesterday

Turned out to be a nice sorta day for Friday 13th

Got up early and did a 4km run
Weighed in at 91.4 Usual breakfast. 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and coffee

Did a Crossfit class at lunchtime. It was good, see below

Had lunch with a friend from Australia, ate a Ceaser salad- very nice Spent up large to cook a nice meal for my partner. Eye fillet wrapped in bacon, potatoe wedges baked, and a big green salad. Yummy

This morning(Sat 14th), jumped on scales.... 90.5 good eating pays off

Friday WOD 10 rounds AQAP, with 15 minute cutoff

3 cleans
6 24" box jumps
9 reclining ring pull ups. This was instead of the Rx Rope climb that I haven't developed the skill for yet

At the 15 min mark I had done 7 rounds. The cleans I did with 50kg

12 July, 2012

Felt sick....

A bit queasy this morning and then during the WOD I contemplated using the puke bucket...

Notwithstanding, another good class today

WOD 20 min AMRAP
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 tricep dips
200m sprint

I managed 7 rounds !!  Used a green band for the pull ups and the final one I "kipped"  so that I could finish quick to get the seventh one finished

Weight 91.4kg

11 July, 2012

Ski day

No fitness class today, just a day gliding gracefully (shut up) down piste slopes. Beauty day! I did pop on the scales this morning 91.5 maybe the scales were having a bad day yesterday.... Anyway, booked in for Crossfit tomorrow morning Ciao

10 July, 2012

WTF scales

A good Crossfit class this morning, but the shock came later

So I started my better eating routine yesterday
Eggs for breakfast (no toast), couple of apples during the day
Some sushi for luch, sitting with my Dad beside his bed in hospital
Played hockey last night
Did eggs again for tea, then had a couple of glasses of wine and some potato chips/crisps (oops!)
and the bloody scales this morning said 93.4 !@#$%^&*
Maybe I'm retaining stuff....

OK - todays 6.00am class

After the warmup we did a Deadlift routine 7 sets of 3 lifts over 15 mins  We could increase the weight as we did each set (a set every 2 minutes)
Cool !!! - I increased my lift weight up to 110kg  120% of bodyweight (shutup)

Then a 10min finisher
20kg plate thrusters on a falling number 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
with 20 DU skips in between (or if scaled then 70 single skips)

Well I had a shitty skipping rope that lost its shape and kept catching my foot - and doing 70 single skips does soak up time specially if you have to keep resetting....

So today I was a DNF - got down to the number 3.... a bit bummed at that, but not the only DNF

09 July, 2012

Sickness is gone, but....

Well, it seems like like I ate my feelings !!

Jumped on the scales this morning 92.8kgs  Shit! now its real
In 9 days managed to put 2 kgs on - no exercise, bad eating, and feeling like crap

This time I'm started - The goal 85kgs stat!

Went to the 6.00am Crossfit class - massive shoulder workout - yeeha
WOD: AMRAP 20min
5 thrusters (that's a squat plus plus jerk of the bar above your head) I was using 30kg
10 Wall Walkers - they take a lot of time and kill your shoulders
15 full situps

I managed 4 rounds...

03 July, 2012

a bit sick...

Well I have managed to pick up a lung infection.

I'm on antibiotics, and each morning I feel like I cough up my lung and wring it out before putting it back.

Hopefully, by tomorrow I'll be able to partake in some exercise again.

Another complicating factor is my father who is in hospital.  I'm spending some time there this week
